Generative models

Generative models in computer vision are powerful tool for various applications.

Area 4. Generative models.svg



  • Your Student is Better Than Expected: Adaptive Teacher-Student Collaboration for Text-Conditional Diffusion Models

    Computer visionGenerative models
    Nikita Starodubcev
    Artem Fedorov
    Artem Babenko
    Dmitry Baranchuk
    CVPR, 2024

    Knowledge distillation methods have recently shown to be a promising direction to speedup the synthesis of large-scale diffusion models by requiring only a few inference steps. While several powerful distillation methods were recently proposed, the overall quality of student samples is typically lower compared to the teacher ones, which hinders their practical usage. In this work, we investigate the relative quality of samples produced by the teacher text-to-image diffusion model and its distilled student version. As our main empirical finding, we discover that a noticeable portion of student samples exhibit superior fidelity compared to the teacher ones, despite the "approximate" nature of the student. Based on this finding, we propose an adaptive collaboration between student and teacher diffusion models for effective text-to-image synthesis. Specifically, the distilled model produces the initial sample, and then an oracle decides whether it needs further improvements with a slow teacher model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the designed pipeline surpasses state-of-the-art text-to-image alternatives for various inference budgets in terms of human preference. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be naturally used in popular applications such as text-guided image editing and controllable generation.

  • Neural Optimal Transport with General Cost Functionals

    Generative models
    Arip Asadulaev
    Alexander Korotin
    Vage Egiazarian
    Petr Mokrov
    Evgeny Burnaev
    ICLR, 2024

    We introduce a novel neural network-based algorithm to compute optimal transport (OT) plans for general cost functionals. In contrast to common Euclidean costs, i.e., ℓ1 or ℓ2, such functionals provide more flexibility and allow using auxiliary information, such as class labels, to construct the required transport map. Existing methods for general cost functionals are discrete and do not provide an out-of-sample estimation. We address the challenge of designing a continuous OT approach for general cost functionals in high-dimensional spaces, such as images. We construct two example functionals: one to map distributions while preserving the class-wise structure and the other one to preserve the given data pairs. Additionally, we provide the theoretical error analysis for our recovered transport plans.

  • Is This Loss Informative? Faster Text-to-Image Customization by Tracking Objective Dynamics

    Computer visionGenerative models
    Anton Voronov
    Mikhail Khoroshikh
    Artem Babenko
    Max Ryabinin
    NeurIPS, 2023

    Text-to-image generation models represent the next step of evolution in image synthesis, offering a natural way to achieve flexible yet fine-grained control over the result. One emerging area of research is the fast adaptation of large text-to-image models to smaller datasets or new visual concepts. However, many efficient methods of adaptation have a long training time, which limits their practical applications, slows down experiments, and spends excessive GPU resources. In this work, we study the training dynamics of popular text-to-image personalization methods (such as Textual Inversion or DreamBooth), aiming to speed them up. We observe that most concepts are learned at early stages and do not improve in quality later, but standard training convergence metrics fail to indicate that. Instead, we propose a simple drop-in early stopping criterion that only requires computing the regular training objective on a fixed set of inputs for all training iterations. Our experiments on Stable Diffusion for 48 different concepts and three personalization methods demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach, which makes adaptation up to 8 times faster with no significant drops in quality.