
Most machine learning algorithms build an optimization model and learn its parameters from the given data. Thus, developing effective and efficient optimization methods is of the essence.

Area 12. Optimization.svg


  • Ito Diffusion Approximation of Universal Ito Chains for Sampling, Optimization and Boosting

    OptimizationMachine learning theoryGradient boosting
    Aleksei Ustimenko
    Aleksandr Beznosikov
    ICLR, 2024

    In this work, we consider rather general and broad class of Markov chains, Ito chains, that look like Euler-Maryama discretization of some Stochastic Differential Equation. The chain we study is a unified framework for theoretical analysis. It comes with almost arbitrary isotropic and state-dependent noise instead of normal and state-independent one as in most related papers. Moreover, in our chain the drift and diffusion coefficient can be inexact in order to cover wide range of applications as Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics, sampling, Stochastic Gradient Descent or Stochastic Gradient Boosting. We prove the bound in W2-distance between the laws of our Ito chain and corresponding differential equation. These results improve or cover most of the known estimates. And for some particular cases, our analysis is the first.

  • First Order Methods with Markovian Noise: from Acceleration to Variational Inequalities

    OptimizationMachine learning theory
    Aleksandr Beznosikov
    Sergey Samsonov
    Marina Sheshukova
    Alexander Gasnikov
    Alexey Naumov
    Eric Moulines
    NeurIPS, 2023

    This paper delves into stochastic optimization problems that involve Markovian noise. We present a unified approach for the theoretical analysis of first-order gradient methods for stochastic optimization and variational inequalities. Our approach covers scenarios for both non-convex and strongly convex minimization problems. To achieve an optimal (linear) dependence on the mixing time of the underlying noise sequence, we use the randomized batching scheme, which is based on the multilevel Monte Carlo method. Moreover, our technique allows us to eliminate the limiting assumptions of previous research on Markov noise, such as the need for a bounded domain and uniformly bounded stochastic gradients. Our extension to variational inequalities under Markovian noise is original. Additionally, we provide lower bounds that match the oracle complexity of our method in the case of strongly convex optimization problems.

  • Similarity, Compression and Local Steps: Three Pillars of Efficient Communications for Distributed Variational Inequalities

    OptimizationMachine learning theory
    Aleksandr Beznosikov
    Martin Takáč
    Alexander Gasnikov
    NeurIPS, 2023

    Variational inequalities are a broad and flexible class of problems that includes minimization, saddle point, and fixed point problems as special cases. Therefore, variational inequalities are used in various applications ranging from equilibrium search to adversarial learning. With the increasing size of data and models, today’s instances demand parallel and distributed computing for real-world machine learning problems, most of which can be represented as variational inequalities. Meanwhile, most distributed approaches have a significant bottleneck - the cost of communications. The three main techniques to reduce the total number of communication rounds and the cost of one such round are the similarity of local functions, compression of transmitted information, and local updates. In this paper, we combine all these approaches. Such a triple synergy did not exist before for variational inequalities and saddle problems, nor even for minimization problems. The methods presented in this paper have the best theoretical guarantees of communication complexity and are significantly ahead of other methods for distributed variational inequalities. The theoretical results are confirmed by adversarial learning experiments on synthetic and real datasets.